Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Holocaust

The holocaust was wrong this was probly the worse mass murdering ever. Hitler is remembered most for the holocaust. He did not like the Jews so he just decided to kill every one of them. When you talk about Hitler you can expect to talk about the holocaust. He tried to wipe out a whole race of people. He tried to erase the Jews off of the planet earth. The reason for this is they say that the Jews were starting to own everything in Germany and Hitler did not like that. The bad thing is that Hitler’s mom was a Jew and so was he.

Friday, March 13, 2009

what i thought about the eol

The end of level stunk. It was extremely easy and i think i at least made proficient on it. this was the easiest test I have ever taken. it was easier than Mrs.Gilmore's test and they are actually kinda hard. I am really glad its over. We were suppose to have a free day today bull that did not happen but its whatever. i am really tired of writing. the end of level test just really tired me out. My hands still hurt buy i got what i wanted which was food two one hundreds and two days off campus for lunch.